34 ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504 User’s Manual
Figure 3-2 Locate all ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504
1. Select “Designated” and select “ADAM-4570”
2. Click “Locate”
3.2.1 Search for Specific ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/
If you want to locate specific ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-
4504s, the configuration utility provides a “Locate” function to
assist you. You can select all the ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/
EDG-4504 devices (see Figure 3-2) or select a group of ADAM-
4570s (see Figure 3-3) or just select one ADAM-4570 (see
Figure 3-4). When you select a specific device, the LED that
stands for “Status” will glow for 8 minutes. When you select
another device, the original “Status” LED will turn off. Please
follow these steps:
1. Select “All Devices” and click “Locate”
2. The “Status” LED of all devices will turn on