
21 Chapter 4
4.1.1 Jumpers and Switches
The motherboard of the panel PC has a number of jumpers that allow you
to configure your system to suit your applications. The table below lists
the function of each of the boardís jumpers.
4.1.2 Locating Jumpers and Switches
Figure 4.1: Locating Jumpers on the PPC-V106 Motherboard
Table 4.1: Jumpers and their functions
Label Function
JP1 CMOS clear for external RTC
JP2 LCD power connector
JP3 COM1 / COM2/ COM3 pin 9 output type setting
JP4 COM1 / COM2/ COM3 pin 9 output type setting
JP5 COM2 RS232/422/485 setting
SW1 Panel type setting (Reserved)