ATCA-C110/1G Installation and Use Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting
During Board Operation
Problem Possible Reason Solution
Board runs unstable or
hangs after some duration
of operation.
Disregard of environmental
1: Check that internal system temperature
remains within specified ranges for all system
devices. Ensure that the system configuration
you are using is validated for safe thermal
2: Check for hot-spots within system Improve
cooling system if necessary.
3: Check that other environmental values like
moisture or altitude are kept within specified
Drivers are missing, faulty or do
not match hardware.
1: Check that all used hardware parts have a
driver matching the hardware.
2: Reinstall hardware drivers.
Board defect. Replace board.
Low system performance. Caches are disabled. Enable caches.
Memory/AMC module does
not work
Module defect. Replace module.
Module not defined for the used
1: Check if module specification match with
interface specification of board.
2: Replace module if specifications do not
Module not installed correctly. Check if module is seated snugly in socket.
Wrong board configuration, faulty
switch setting.
Configure the board correctly for the respective
RTM does not work. RTM defect. Replace RTM.
RTM installed on wrong slot
Install RTM on adjacent slot position of the used
RTM not defined for the used
peripheral or system board.
Install RTM defined for the used peripheral or
system board.
Board boots firmware but
cannot load the Operating
Ethernet cable not connected. Check if the connection of the Ethernet cable to
the Fast Ethernet Port (Port 4) on the RTM and to
the board and network is secure.
E-keying problems If the module is to load the OS over Ethernet or
SATA, it needs the appropriate interface to be
enabled during E-keying. This means that the
carrier IPMC should have completed E-keying
and enabled the interface before the module
starts loading the OS.
Ethernet inoperable Ethernet port configuration (MAC
address or IP address) is not
Check if the board has a valid, unique MAC
address that can be read by the IPMC from the
board information EEPROM. Also ensure that
the IP address assigned to the port is