h. Adjust the oscilloscope for a single rise or fall time display. Use delayed sweep. The rise time when measured from
10% to 90% or the fall time when measured from 90% to 10% should be between:
60501B: 0.6 and 1.0ms.
60502B: 1.5 and 2.5ms.
CC Mode PARD Test
CC mode PARD (periodic and random deviations) is specified as the rms input current in a frequency range 20Hz to 10Mhz.
This test checks CC Mode PARD.
a. Connect the Electronic Load, power supply (Agilent 6032A or equivalent, DMM, and current probe as shown in Figure
2-3. Set power supply for 10V and >10A.
b. Turn the load's ac power off then on.
c. Press
d. DMM reading should be less than:
60501B: 2mA rms.
60502B: 4mA rms.
Figure 2-3. Test Setup C
CC Mode Power Limit
This test verifies that the module's power limit circuit is operating properly. If the results specified in steps d through i are
not obtained, troubleshoot the circuits as described in "Overpower Circuits Troubleshooting" in Chapter 3 of the mainframe
Service Manual.
If the overpower circuit does not turn the load off within three minutes after performing step d, stop the
tests and troubleshoot the overpower circuits.
a. Connect the Electronic Load and the power source as shown in Figure 2-2.
b. Turn on the Electronic Load and run for approximately five minutes with no power being dissipated (no input power).
c. Then press
, then .
d. Turn on and set the power supply for:
60501B: 34volts and 10mps.
60502B: 34volts and 18mps.