c. Check the middle ohms range as follows:
1. Press
, then
2. Set power supply for:
60501B: 10.9V and 8A.
60502B: 10.9V and 15A.
3. Measure the voltage across the monitor resistor and across the module's input terminals, then calculate the
Electronic Load resistance. The result should be between:
60501B: 46 and 86 ohms.
60502B: 24.1 and 39.6 ohms.
4. Then press:
5. Measure the voltage across the monitor resistor and across the module's input terminals, then calculate the
Electronic Load resistance. The result should be between:
60501B: 1.97 and 2.03 ohms.
60502B: 0.989 and 1.011 ohms.
d. Check the high ohms range as follows:
1. Press:
, then
2. Set power source for:
60501B: 60V and 5A.
60502B: 60V and 6A.
3. Measure the voltage across the monitor resistor and across the module's input terminals, then calculate the
Electronic Load resistance. Calculation should be between:
60501B: 99.8 and 10K ohms.
60502B: 61.1 and 3243 ohms.
4. Then press:
5. Measure the voltage across the monitor resistor and across the module's input terminals, then calculate the
Electronic Load resistance. The result should be between:
60501B: 21.4 and 27.3 ohms.
60502B: 10.9 and 13.3 ohms.