Setting list
The following list is a brief overview of the setting items available in the settings on the Setting window. The descriptions, and the style and
order of descriptions do not necessarily equate with the actual displays.
Make a note of the setting results you have made, and keep it in a safe place not to lose it.
Settings on the Setting window
Tab Title Item Setting range Default
Preference 1 Event Action Maximize Application ON (Checked)/OFF (Not checked) OFF
Balloon Notifi cation ON (Checked)/OFF (Not checked) ON
Call Tone ON (Checked)/OFF (Not checked) ON
Directory of recorded video and audio
(Designate the directory in which recorded fi les are stored.) -
Max Recording Space 00.01 to 10.00 GB 01.00 GB
Picture Recording Mode Snapshot/Video Snapshot
Auto Recording ON/OFF ON
Audio Recording*
Preference 2 Display Display language English/French/Spanish/Dutch/Italian/German/Japanese English
Un-answered call display ON/OFF OFF
List order Name/123 123
Call tone Door call: Normal 1/2/3/4/5/6 1
Door call: Priority 1/2/3/4/5/6 2
Door call: Urgent 1/2/3/4/5/6 3
Room sub call: Normal 1/2/3/4/5/6 4
Room sub call: Priority 1/2/3/4/5/6 5
Room sub call: Urgent 1/2/3/4/5/6 6
Communication Communication method Hands-free/Press to talk Hands-free
Speed dial 1 Speed dial Speed dial 1 to 12
(Register a station, zone or remote site to each speed dial.)
Speed dial 2 Speed dial Speed dial 13 to 24
(Register a station, zone or remote site to each speed dial.)
Transfer Transfer ON/OFF OFF
Transfer destination (Select a master station or remote site.) -
Transfer delay 0 to 60 Seconds 0
Schedule transfer Transfer ON/OFF OFF
Scheduled destination*
(Select a master station or remote site.) -
Telephone transfer
Transfer ON/OFF OFF
Schedule tel transfer
Transfer ON/OFF OFF
Privacy Privacy Privacy Privacy 1/Privacy 2/OFF OFF
Call tone (Privacy 2)*
1/2/3/4/5/6 4
Network IP version - IPv4 IPv4
Host unit IP Address 0 - 255 (for each fi eld) -
Connection Port 1024 to 64999 5060
Connection Password Up to 8 alphanumeric characters -
Multicast address (Acquire from the IP host unit automatically.) -
Network Interface
Card: NIC
- (Select from the list.) -
PC Application IP Address (Acquire from the IP host unit automatically.) -
MAC address (Depends on the PC.) -
Unit name Up to 24 alphanumeric characters -
Connection Port (Acquire from the IP host unit automatically.) -
Audio Port (Acquire from the IP host unit automatically.) -
Video Port (Acquire from the IP host unit automatically.) -
License key - (*
Maintenance Device Microphone - -
Speaker - -
Tone - -
Initialization - - -
*1: Available when [Video] is selected at [Picture Recording Mode].
*2: Available when [Schedule transfer ON/OFF] is set to ON.
*3: Available when [Privacy 2] is selected.
*4: Use the unique license key written on the attached sheet.