The function buttons allow you to edit Drum Set parameters on a fairly detailed level.
The Voice, Tune, Mix, Output, and Group buttons all require selecting a particular
drum note for editing. The top line of each of these screens shows the note that is
being edited. For example, the Voice selection screen shows:
NOTE: 054 F#2
Kik/01: Big "O"
There are two ways to select the drum sound to be edited or previewed:
• Place the cursor under the note and turn the Data wheel to select a different note.
• The D4 has a function called Note Chase. When this button is enabled, an
incoming MIDI note or trigger will select the note to be edited. This makes it easy
to change the same parameter for all drums; call up the editing function (voice,
tune, mix, etc.) and select various drums by playing their associated keys. The
display will read out the note name and MIDI number.
Note Chase can also be used as a piece of “MIDI test equipment” to determine
the note number of an incoming MIDI note. This will only happen if the sending
device is on the same MIDI channel as the D4 and if the sending note is within
the note range of the currently selected drum kit. Also, whenever the D4 receives
a signal to play one of its sounds (via either trigger or MIDI input) the Note Chase
LED will flash.
Press Voice, and the LCD shows the selected MIDI note number on the top line and
two parameters, drum Bank and Drum Sound, on the bottom line. Example:
NOTE: 054 F#2
Kik/01: Big "O"
To select a drum Bank, place the cursor under the drum Bank name and turn the
Data wheel. Bank options are:
Kik (Kick)
Snr (Snare)
Cym (Cymbals and hi hats)
Tom (Tom toms)
Prc (Percussion)
Efx (Effects)