PLUG-IN 1, 2
y These presets are designed to control virtual instruments and effects plugins. If you are using a
virtual instrument within a DAW, you will need to disconnect the Alesis Firewire MIDI ports from
control surface operation (Mackie Control or HUI) so that you can use the MasterControl as a
generic MIDI controller.
In these presets:
o The eight channel faders are mapped to CC 12-19.
o The Master fader is mapped to CC 20.
o The knobs are mapped to CC 22-29.
o The SELECT/REC/SOLO/MUTE buttons are mapped to CC 102-117.
On the first channel strip:
• SELECT sends NOTE ON for CC 102.
• REC sends NOTE OFF for CC 102.
• SOLO sends NOTE ON for CC 103.
• MUTE sends NOTE OFF for CC 103.
Similarly, the second channel strip begins with CC 104, and the
eighth (last) channel strip ends with CC 117.
o The ASSIGNABLE buttons are mapped to CC 01, 02, 30, 31 (bank A) and CC
41, 41, 43, 66 (bank B). Similar to channel strip operation, the TOP button
always sends a NOTE ON, and the BOTTOM button always sends the
corresponding NOTE OFF message.
y In PLUG-IN 1, the ASSIGNABLE buttons can be mapped to the values above or any CC values
from 46-90, inclusive.
y In PLUG-IN 2, the ASSIGNABLE buttons can be mapped to the values above or any CC values
from 84-117, inclusive. Switching between these two presets allows you access to more CC’s
than would be available using only a single preset.
y Consult your virtual instrument’s or effect’s documentation to learn how to map the MasterControl’s
MIDI messages to your software’s controls.