Q20 Reference Manual 1
Thank you for purchasing the Alesis Q20 Professional 20-Bit Master Effects
Processor. To take full advantage of of the Q20Õs fuctions, and to enjoy long and
trouble free use, please read this userÕs manual carefully.
How To Use This Manual
This manual is divided into the following sections describing the various modes of
the Q20. Though we recommend you take time to read through the entire manual
once carefully, those having general knowledge about effects devices should use the
table of contents and index to reference specific functions while using this device. If
you are planning to use the digital I/O, read Chapter 7 carefully.
Chapter 1: Setting Up. Deals with the necessary preparation before using,
including connections to other components, such as instruments, mixing consoles, and
multitrack recorders, as well as digital connections to ADAT.
Chapter 2: Your First Session with the Q20. A basic introduction to getting the unit
up and running, auditioning the factory Programs, adjusting levels, comparing and
storing edited Programs.
Chapter 3: Overview. A detailed look at the signal processing capabilities of the
Q20, the concepts of multi-effect programming, and a description of the many
available effects.
Chapter 4: Making Your Own Programs. A guided tour for programming typical
single and multi-effect applications.
Chapter 5: Description of Controls. A ÒdictionaryÓ of all parameters, buttons and
connectors, including Global and MIDI mode parameters.
Chapter 6: Advanced Applications. Advanced uses of the Q20, such as MIDI
functions, Modulation, Local Generators, footswitches and using Òtap tempoÓ to
control delay times.
Chapter 7: Digital Connections. How to use the Q20Õs digital ins and outs in an all-
digital studio.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting. Contains the Troubleshooting Index, maintenance and
service information, and MIDI implementation chart.
The buttons, knobs, and rear panel connectors are referred to in this manual just as
their names appear on the Q20, using all capital letters and in brackets (Examples:
[PROGRAM] button, [< BLOCK] button, [VALUE/ENTER] knob/button, [DIGITAL
IN] connector, etc.).
When something important appears in the manual, an icon (like the one on the left)
will appear in the left margin. This symbol indicates that this information is
vital when operating the Q20.