return A line input whose function is to carry back to the mixer an audio signal
that has been sent from the mixer. Usually used in the application of
sample rate Digital audio is chopped up into tiny time slices. The sample rate is the
number of time slices captured in one second. 44.1kHz—44,100
samples per second—is the standard used for Compact Disk audio.
48kHz—48,000 samples per second, is commonly used for film and
send A line output whose function is to send a signal from the mixer to an
external device, usually an effects processor.
stereo Refers to an audio signal that has two channels.
unity gain Refers to the setting of an audio channel at which the signal leaves the
channel at the same level at which it entered. Unity gain is marked by a 0
on the MultiMix’s faders.
WDM The Windows Driver Model. This is the default standard by which
Microsoft Windows communicates with audio devices.
wet An audio signal that has had effects or other manipulations applied. The
opposite of “dry.”