Technical Tutoria
Detail Enhancement
Flea’s detail enhancement is achieved after MPEG noise reduction, so you can increase
detail substantially without reintroducing artifacts. Once both 2D and 3D filters are set
properly, the Flea will yield impressive images that are sharp and noise free.
Dynamic Range Stretching
Flea’s Dynamic Range Stretching function enhances the contrast of an image by
ensuring that each image occupies the full dynamic range available. Otherwise said,
images are analyzed on a pixel per pixel basis, and luminosity is recalibrated, so that
details are more contrasted and more realistic to human vision.
The result is a picture with more depth, greater realism for the human eye, and finer
edges in contrasting areas.
Image without DRS Image processed with DRS
Recommended settings
Video feeds of different image quality (a DVD movie, a satellite program...) require
different filtering strengths and settings. As a starting point, Algolith recommends the
SD signal HD Signal
Block Artifact Reducer 1 1
2D Spatial Filter 10 6
3D Temporal Filter 3 2
Detail Enhancer 10 7
Dynamic Range Stretcher off off