Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9) (refer to the
MT100-100 user’s guide for explanation)
If one Scan Doubler Card is in slot #2 of unit 3.
Send the command [VERC2U3], and the
Multi-Tasker™ Basic Enclosure will return the
MT106-101 690-0155-003
MT106-101 = card type
690-0155-003 = software version
2. [C]
This command receives the status of the card.
Command Format: [CnUi]
Cn = card ID (n = a slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Ui = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-100
user’s guide for explanation)
If there is one MT106-101 card in slot #2 of unit
3 set for NTSC outputs, sending the command
[C2U3] to the Multi-Tasker™ will yield the
following feedback:
INPUT: 640x480; OUTPUT: NTSC C02
INPUT: 640x480 = Input resolution
OUTPUT: NTSC = Output mode
C02 = card is in slot 2
If there is no card in slot #2 of unit 3, sending
the [C2U3] command will not return any
feedback from either card.
3. [SIGCi]
The Signal Present command tests for the
presence of a signal on the input. After sending
the command, the feedback will be either "1"
signifying a signal is present, or "0" indicating no
signal was detected.
Ci = card number
To check for the presence of an input signal on
card 4, send the command [SIGC4] and verify
feedback of "1" or "0".
4. [CLR]
This command resets the card configuration to
factory defaults.
Command Format: [CLRCi]
Ci = card ID (n = a slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
There is an MT106-101 in slot 4 of unit 0. All
controls are set to various levels and the output
is in PAL mode. Sending the command
[CLRC4] will set the level controls to their
default values and place the output in NTSC
5. [ON]
The ON command selects one of four possible
input sources to connect to the output.
INPUT Number
( n )
INPUT Signal
0 S-Video
1 C-Video #1
2 C-Video #2
3 C-Video #3
Command Format: [ONnCiUy]
n = value from 0 to 3
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the MT100-100
user’s guide for explanation)
Connect the S-Video signal input on the
MT106-101 located in slot 4 of unit ID 2 to the
VGA output connector.
6. [ + ] or [ - ]
These commands allow the user to increase or
decrease the value of the selected attribute.
They must be used immediately following one of
the following STATUS commands.