Turn on the speaker ports of the
MT113-100/101 in slot #4 by sending the
command [MUT0C4].
21. [MUT1]
This command disables the speaker output. It
does not affect the fixed output.
Command Format: [MUT1CnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Turn off the speaker ports of the
MT113-100/101 in slot #4 by sending the
command [MUT1C4].
22. [CLR]
This command clears the card and resets it to
its factory defaults. All volume levels are set to
maximum, bass and treble are set to midrange,
loudness is turned off and mute is turned off.
Command Format: [CLRCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Clear the MT113-100/101 in slot #4 by sending
the command [CLRC4]. Send the status
command after the clear command and receive
the following feedback:
Bass =08/16
The following 7 commands are used to control the
output volume of the MT113-100/101. They may be
used with computer control, but also are designed
to be used with the {SETVK} command using keys
on the Front Panel. The following code sample sets
front panel keys 8 and 10 to Ramp Up and Ramp
Down respectively. See your Front Panel User’s
Guide for more details.
When defined as a volume control key, the key will
respond to two conditions: press and release.
Below, subroutine 8 starts ramping up when key 8
is pressed and subroutine 10 starts ramping down
when key 10 is pressed. Subroutine 108 stops
ramping when either key is released.
{WRS8=RUPC4} //Ramp Up
{WRK8=8,108,0,0,0} //Press= start, release= stop
{WRS10=RDNC4} //Ramp Down
{WRK10=10,108,0,0,0} //Press= start, release= stop
{SETVK8} //Set key 8 as volume key
{WRLK8=VOL_UP} //Define Key 8 Label
{SETVK10} //Set key 8 as volume key
{WRLK10=VOL_DN} //Define Key 8 Label
[RAMP=10C4] //Set the ramp rate.
23. [RUP]
This command ramps the OUTPUT volume to
its maximum level at the rate defined using the
[RAMP] command.
Command Format: [RUPCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Ramp the output volume from a starting level of
10 to the maximum level of 16 for the card in
slot #8. Send the command [RUPC8] and the
system will respond with the following feedback:
24. [RUP=]
This command ramps the OUTPUT volume to a
user defined level at a rate defined using the
[RAMP] command.