7.2 RS-232 CONTROL
The UT250-101 has many advanced
remote-control capabilities accessible through
standard RS-232 communication. Control may be
accomplished through a computer, control system,
or any device capable of RS-232 communication.
7.2.1 RS-232 INTERFACE
The control commands for the UT250-101, are
in a simple ASCII character format.
1. Square brackets “[ ]” are part of the
2. Use uppercase letters for all commands.
3. Spaces are not legal characters.
Commands instruct the UT250-101 to perform
specific actions or request information. Some
commands do both simultaneously. A command
that instructs the UT250-101 only to perform an
action will generate feedback of “[ ]”. The open
bracket immediately followed by a closed
bracket indicates the card received a valid
command. If the command requested
information, the feedback generated by the
UT250-101 is the acknowledgement of having
received a valid command. Invalid commands
generate feedback that includes “ERR” plus an
error code.
Example: [ERR001] Error number
Commands ending in “S” will be saved into
memory. Commands not ending in “S” will still
be executed, but will not be restored when the
system is reset or powered off, then on.
Each command consists of a function name and
an optional unit ID. Unit IDs are required if 2 or
more UT250-101s are to be controlled
individually over the same RS-232 bus. The unit
ID can be changed using the [SID] and [RSI]
commands that are described later.
Example: [ONU2]
ON = Function
U2 = Unit ID (only U2 executes ON)
Unit ID “U0” does not need to be included at the
end of a command string.
[ON]: Executed by U0
[ONU0]: Executed by U0
NOTE: Examples in this manual assume
the unit ID is U0 and do NOT
include the unit ID. If needed, the
unit ID for any unit can be specified
at the end of the command string as
shown above.
This command displays the status of the unit.
Command Format: [STATUS]
Send the command [STATUS] to receive
feedback similar to the following:
Note: Preset connections are
displayed as already executed, but
do not take effect until after the
[SW] switch command is executed.
OUT 1A - IN 1 ON
OUT 1B - IN 1 ON
OUT 2A - IN 1 ON
OUT 2B - IN 1 ON
If there is no card in slot 4, sending the [C4]
command will not return any feedback.