Page -12- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual -
SCRUBTEC 770 / 784 / 795SCRUBTEC 770 / 784 / 795
SCRUBTEC 770 / 784 / 795SCRUBTEC 770 / 784 / 795
SCRUBTEC 770 / 784 / 795
Key Switch (See Figure #2 Item "A")
The key switch turns "ON" the power to the control panel. "O" is "OFF" and "I" is "ON".
Traverse Speed Switch (See Figure #2, Item "B")
The speed control varies from low to high speed. To increase the speed, turn the knob to the right. To decrease the
speed, turn the knob to the left.
Squeegee Up/Down Switch (See Figure #2, Item "C")
The squeegee switch is used to raise and lower the squeegee and to turn on and off the vacuum motor. The squee-
gee will lower and the vacuum motor will turn on when the switch is placed in the lower position. To raise the squee-
gee, place the switch in the up position. The vacuum motor will stop, after a short delay, when the switch is placed in
the up position.
The middle switch position is used for the one touch control. The squeegee will raise and lower and the vacuum will
turn on and off automatically when the one touch control function is used. NOTE: The squeegee switch must be in
the middle position for the squeegee and vacuum to operate properly with the one touch feature.
Brush Up/Down Switch (See Figure #2, Item D)
To lower brush head, push the brush switch in the down (+) position. To increase brush pressure, continue to push
the brush switch in the down (+) position until the desired pressure is reached or until brush head travel stops. The
brush motors will start and solution will flow (provided the solution is turned "ON") when the machine begins to
traverse. To raise the brush head, push the brush switch in the up (-) position until the brush head travel stops or
desired position is reached.
Solution Flow Control (See Figure #2, Item "E")
The solution flow switch regulates the flow of chemical solution to the floor. To increase the flow, push the solution
flow switch in the down (+) position until desired flow is reached. To decrease the flow, push the solution flow switch
in the up (-) position until the desired flow is reached. To shut off the solution, push the solution flow switch in the up
(-) position until no indicators are visible on the display. NOTE: DO NOT run dry! NOTE: No solution will flow when
the machine does not traverse.
Forward Switch (See Figure #2, Item "F")
The forward switch turns the traverse motor "on" and if the brush motors are in the down position, it also activates the
brush motors and solution control module. Either the right or the left switch can be used.
Reverse Switch (See Figure #2, Item "G")
The reverse switch, when used in conjunction with one of the forward switches, causes the machine to reverse
direction. The reverse speed is 70% fo the forward speed.
One Touch (See Figure #2, Item "H")
The one touch button is a green button that lowers and raises the brush head and squeegee with one touch. NOTE:
For more information about the one touch feature see the section "How to Operate the Machine".
LCD Display (See Figure #2, Item "I")
The main display indicates the state of battery charge, brush head, solution and squeegee status. It will also display
machine run hours and error codes. NOTE: When the battery charger gets too low the battery display will begin
flashing and the brush/pad motors will shut off.
Display Button (See Figure #2, Item "J")
Pressing the black display button will toggle between the main machine functions and the hour meter. The hour
meter indicates the number of hours the machine has operated. It displays brush motor, vacuum motor, traverse
motor and total key on hours.)