BBU Object Commands
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/bbu show
This command shows the current setting of the given attribute(s) on the BBU
board. One or many attributes can be specified. Specifying an invalid attribute
will terminate the loop. Possible attributes are: batinst, bootloader, cap, fw,
lasttest, pcb, ready, status, serial, temp, volt.
/bbu show
This command shows the status of the BBU. Possible values are:
Testing. A battery test is currently in progress. This test may take up to 24
hours to complete. During the test, the BBU is
not capable of backup
operation and the write cache of the RAID controller is also disabled. If the
test is completed with no error and the BBU status changes to WeakBat or
OK, the write cache will be re-enabled. If a Fault, Failed or Error occurs
during the test, the write cache remains in the disabled state until the problem
is fixed.
Charging. The BBU is currently charging the battery. Charging is started
automatically by the BBU whenever necessary. During charging, the BBU is
not capable of backup operation and the write cache is disabled. Once the test
is completed with no error and the BBU status changes to OK, the write cache
will be re-enabled. If a FAULT or ERROR occurs during the test, the write
cache remains in the disabled state until the problem is fixed.
Fault. A battery fault is detected. The BBU is not capable of backup operation
and the write cache is disabled. Replace the battery and/or the BBU board as
soon as possible so that the write cache will be enabled again.
Error. A BBU error is detected. The BBU is not capable of backup operation
and the write cache is disabled. Replace the battery and/or the Battery Backup
Unit as soon as possible so that the write cache will be enabled again.
Failed. The battery failed a test. In this state, the BBU is not capable of
backup operation and the write cache is disabled. We recommend you replace
the battery and/or the Battery Backup Unit as soon as possible so that the
write cache will be enabled again.
WeakBat. The BBU is functioning normally and is online and capable of
backing up the write cache. However, the battery is weak and should be
OK. The BBU is ready, online and capable of backing up the write cache.
- (dash) A battery is not present or a Battery Backup Unit is not installed