AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book 195
CPU Core Register Descriptions
33234H Bus Controller Extended Debug Registers 6 and 7 MSR (BXDR6_BXDR7_MSR)
BXDR6 (bits [31:0]) contains the status of the extended bus controller breakpoints. When a breakpoint occurs, the corre-
sponding status bit is set in this register. The status bits remain set until cleared by an MSR write.
BXDR7 (bits [63:32]) is used to enable and specify the type of BXDR0-BXDR3. BXDR7 is also used to specify the length of
the breakpoint. For example, if BXDR0 is set to 00000006h, and BXDR7 indicates it has a length of 2 bytes, then an access
to 00000006h or 00000007h triggers the breakpoint. BXDR0 and BXDR1 can be paired to specify a range breakpoint if the
LEN0 or LEN1 field of BXDR7 is set accordingly. BXDR2 and BXDR3 can be paired to specify a range breakpoint if the
LEN2 or LEN3 field of BXDR7 is set accordingly.
MSR Address 00001953h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value 00000000_00000000h
BXDR6_BXDR7_MSR Register Map
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
RSVD T3 T2 T1 T0
BXDR6_BXDR7_MSR Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:60 TYPE3 Extended Breakpoint 3 Type. Selects the type of extended breakpoint 3.
0000: IM memory read (Default)
0001: DM memory read
0010: DM memory write
0011: DM memory read/write
0100: DM I/O read
0101: DM I/O write
0110: DM I/O read/write
0111: GLBus snoop for read
1000: GLBus snoop for write
1001: GLBus snoop for write-invalidate
1010: MSR read
1011: MSR write
All Others: Undefined, breakpoint will not trigger
59:56 TYPE2 Extended Breakpoint 2 Type. Selects the type of extended breakpoint 2. See TYPE3
(bits [63:60]) for decode.
55:52 TYPE1 Extended Breakpoint 1 Type. Selects the type of extended breakpoint 1. See TYPE3
(bits [63:60]) for decode.
51:48 TYPE0 Extended Breakpoint 0 Type. Selects the type of extended breakpoint 0. See TYPE3
(bits [63:60]) for decode.
47:46 LEN3 Extended Breakpoint 3 Length. Selects the size of extended breakpoint 3.
00: 1 byte. (Default)
01: 2 bytes.
10: Range from even to odd register.
11: 4 bytes.
45:44 LEN2 Extended Breakpoint 2 Length. Selects the size of extended breakpoint 2. See LEN3
(bits [47:46]) for decode.
43:42 LEN1 Extended Breakpoint 1 Length. Selects the size of extended breakpoint 0. See LEN3
(bits [47:46]) for decode.