Chapter 10
10-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a general description of the AutoCal calibrators,
including specifications, setup, and the use of the associated software
and on-line documentation. This series has three models, as shown be
low. Throughout this manual, the term AutoCal will refer to the series.
Individual models will be referred to by model number. Figure 10-1
shows the AutoCal module and all of its attaching parts.
Model Switch Freq. Range Connector
36581NNF Electronic 40MHz-18 GHz N (Male)-N(Fem)
36581KKF Electronic 40MHz-20 GHz K(Male)-K(Fem)
36582KKF Mechanical 40MHz-40 GHz K(Male)-K(Fem)
10-2 DESCRIPTION The AutoCal module provides an automatic system for fast, repeatable
high-quality calibrations of a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The
AutoCal module is connected between the VNA's test ports 1 and 2 to
perform the calibration. Refer to Figure 10-2 for a diagram of the
AutoCal connections.
The electronic AutoCal modules use solid state electronic switches to
exchange the internal calibration standards. Note that these units
have a lower frequency limit (18 and 20 GHz). The mechanical module
uses electro-mechanical actuators to exchange the standards and has
the highest frequency limit, but has a small non-repeatability error.
The mechanical module contains internal standards used to measure
port isolation; the electronic module does NOT contain isolation stan
dards and requires a manual operation to perform this measurement.
A standard serial RS-232 interface cable is used to connect the
AutoCal module to the 37xxxE. Power is supplied by a connecting ca
ble from a universal power supply (+5V, +15V, –15V for the electronic
modules; +5V, +24V for the mechanical modules). A power on-off
switch is not provided.
Test Port Cable Converters (Anritsu series 36583) are used during and
after the calibration process to establish the desired test port connec
tor type and sex.
37xxxE OM 10-3