Service Procedures: Assembly Site Form
InfraStruXure InRow RC 19
12. Is the Chilled Water piping properly supported?
13. Is the Chilled Water piping properly Insulated?
What is the Chilled Water supply temperature to the unit? Temp:
Is glycol part of the chilled water supply?
16. What is the concentration of glycol in the system?
% of
17. The RC and or CDU condensate removal piping is installed? (CDU
condensate pipin
is optional
18. What is the total height of the condensate piping? (Maximum height
16' vertical 50' Horizontal per Install manual 990-2402
19. Is an Optional APC supplied field installed water detection device being
20. Is the water detection device properly installed and routed
21. For CDU installations with top piping configurations has the piping
shroud been installed
Has the CDU and RC piping runs been labeled and numbered?
Electrical Checks: Yes/N
re both main wiring whips being used
2. Does the unit have redundancy in regards to main power supply?
3. Do the dual main power supplies circuit breakers match unit name
Unit Nameplate
Actual Main
Power A
Actual Main
Power B
4. Does Main power supplies A & B voltage match Unit nameplate?
Unit Nameplate
Actual Main
Power A
Actual Main
5. Is the unit properly grounded
6. Is the remote sensor mounted to a Netshelter?
7. Is a BMS (Building Management System) system being used
8. Is the BMS wiring connected to the unit properly?
9. Does the last unit in the BMS wiring have a terminator installed?
10. Are the units utilizing Group configuration?
11. Are the units Group wiring run between the units of the Group?
12. Is a terminator marking the start and end of the group wiring?
13. Is the unit connected to either the customers LAN or a ISX Mana
Is the common alarm contacts being used and wired ?
Are the remote shutdown contacts being used and wired?
Final Checks: Yes/N
1. The interior/Exterior of the unit is clean free of debris?
2. The area around the Unit is clean and orderly?
All shipping materials have been disposed of properly?
The Unit is ready for Start-up?
5. If the Unit is not ready for Start-up please list the issues & who is
responsible for the resolving the issue preventing start-up
Customer Name (Please Print): Date:
APC Representative (Please Print):
Record Name Plate voltage info and actual
voltage supplies
Record Name Plate info and actual power feed
Circuit Breaker sizes
List issues preventing the start-up of equipment and
responsible party to resolve issue