
274 Index
shutdown, controlling 181, 187
SID (Security Identifier) 29
Simple Finder 182
simultaneous login privileges 73
single sign-on authentication 245
sleep settings 173, 177, 181
Slow Keys 229
SMB (Server Message Block) protocol service 29,
114, 119, 127
Software Update 150, 224
sshd privilege separation 56
ssh tool 103, 239
startup 21, 148, 170, 181
Sticky Keys 229
streaming media 149
directories 37
home folders 152
mobile account data 131, 132, 136, 138, 139, 210,
System Administrator account 56
System Folder, Classic 169, 171
System Image Utility 21, 22
System Preferences 150, 182, 225, 227
System Services account 56
target disk mode 134
temporary files, caching of 132, 136
time and time zone settings 239
time limits on computer use 220
Time Machine 150, 157, 225
Trash alert message 184
administrator privileges 243
authentication 245
BDC 245
DHCP service 241
DNS service 240
Dock items 249
editing accounts 242
error messages 250
file access 247
home folder access 245, 246
LDAP directory 242
login 242, 243, 248
network views 250
Open Directory 242, 243, 244
passwords 242, 243, 244, 245
PDC 245
printers 248
time and time zones 239
Windows user problems 245, 246
workgroup access 247
trust services 195
UIDs (user IDs) 28, 56, 67, 87, 164
Universal Access
assistive devices 231
display settings 227
keyboard options 229
mouse options 230
overview 150, 227
shortcuts 230
visual alert 228
UNIX 114, 168
Unknown User account 56
Unprivileged User account 56
updating software 150, 224
upgrading, computer lists to computer groups 112
user accounts
advanced settings 72
basic settings 63
calendar settings 72
command-line tools 42, 58, 59
comments 76
creating 57
deleting 60
directory domains 46, 47, 48, 57, 58
disabling 60
editing 51, 58, 59
exporting 254
importing 53, 68, 253
keywords 75
lists 46, 48, 49
local 122
mail settings 80
organization of 26, 55
overview 22, 24
passwords 68
predefined 56, 251
preferences 139
presets 50, 61, 62
read-only 59
troubleshooting 242
types 56
user names 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 242
Windows 55, 60
See also administrator; group accounts; guest
accounts; users
user ID. See UID
user names 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 242, 254
access control 23, 24, 70
categories 28, 59
customizing for 149
finding 45, 49, 75
identities 28, 56, 67, 87, 164
limited admin control 38, 70
login design 150