MAX-AVP User Interface
MAX-AVP Audio-Video Player
Movie Details Page
When you select a movie title in the Browse, Genre, Cover or Search Movies pages, the Movie Details
page is displayed, providing detailed information on the movie, as well as cover art (FIG. 18).
There are several options along the bottom of the page:
Plot: Select to display a synopsis of the movie’s plot.
Playlist Add: Select to add individual chapters from the DVD, or the entire movie to a
Playlist. Refer to the Working With Playlists section on page 41 for details.
Chapters: Select this option to select an individual chapter for playback, in the Movie Details
- Chapters page.
Bookmarks: Select this option to view and select from a listing of all Bookmarks saved for
this movie. Refer to the Working With Bookmarks section on page 33 for details.
To exit the Movie Details page, press RETURN on the remote control.
Working With Bookmarks
Use Bookmarks to mark specific points of interest within individual chapters on a DVD. Once you have
saved one or more bookmarks for a movie, you can later choose to begin playback from any saved
Bookmarks are only available for DVDs on the MAX server (not applicable to DVDs played
locally on the AVP).
Use the MARKER button on the remote controller to create bookmarks, and the MARKER
SEARCH button allows you to select a particular bookmark to begin playback from, as
described in the following sections:
Bookmarks are created during playback.
FIG. 18 Movie Details page