
Programmer’s Reference
4-44 Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0224F
4.6 Character LCD display
This is a custom peripheral that provides an interface to a standard HD44780 16 x 2
character LCD module.
The HD44780 display interface is very slow.
Requests to read or write data or a command to the character LCD are captured and
executed later. It is not until 500ns later that the access is completed. Poll access
complete flag (bit 0 of CHAR_RAW) or wait for a Char LCD interrupt on SIC7 to check
that the last access has completed.
After accepting a command, the character LCD typically requires 37μs to finish
processing. Some commands,
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for example, take substantially longer
(20ms). Poll the busy signal to determine when the display is ready for a new data or
command write.
An interrupt signal is generated by the character LCD controller a short time after the
raw data is valid. However this interrupt signal is reserved for future use and you must
use a polling routine instead of an interrupt service routine.
Table 4-24 Character LCD display implementation
Property Value
Location FPGA
Memory base address
Interrupt NA
Release version custom logic
Reference documentation datasheet for the Hitachi HD44780 display (see also Character
LCD controller on page 3-59)