Magic-Pak Installation
Before installing the Magic-Pak unit in the wall sleeve, it is important to
consider the possibility of sound and vibration transmission through the
wall. It is recommended that vibration isolation pads be installed evenly
spaced across the outer edge of the bottom panel of the wall sleeve. The
vibration isolator pads should be approximately 4" x 4" x 7/8" and con-
structed of one piece of cork rubber with pieces of neoprene rubber
adhered to the top and bottom.
Once the wall sleeve is properly secured to the supporting wall and the
vibration isolators are in place, the Magic-Pak unit can be slid into the wall
sleeve. The unit must be slid completely forward so that the outer edges
of the unit touch the inside flanges of the wall sleeve. The unit can then
be secured to the wall sleeve by bolting the top flange of the unit to the
top turned-down flange of the wall sleeve with 1/4" x 3/4" bolts and
Note: In applications where vibration isolation is of particular importance,
rubber grommets (Armstrong P/N 9015A) can be inserted between
the top flanges.
The wall sleeve alone is not adequate support for the full weight of the
Magic-Pak unit. Additional, field-fabricated support must be provided
between the rear flange of the return opening and the wall sleeve.
The use of vibrator isolator pads is required between the unit and the
support and between the floor and the support.
Please refer to installation instructions and application manual for details
on field-fabricated additional supports.
Weather Sealing
After assembling the wall sleeve, it is recommended that all panel con-
nections and joints be sealed with caulk to prevent water and wind
infiltration into the building.
Once the Magic-Pak is installed and secured to the wall sleeve, it is
important to seal any gaps between the wall sleeve and the unit with
caulk. This includes both sides, top and bottom. Sealing these gaps will
prevent water and wind from leaking into the building between the unit
and wall sleeve.
The outside of the wall sleeve must also be sealed with caulk on all four
sides whether it is installed recessed or protruding.