2. Check all four unions (or six if you have a circulating sys-
tem) and ensure that they are hand tight. There are two white
unions on the pump: one on the inlet side and one on the dis-
charge side. See equipment diagram.
There are also two black unions located on each end of the
stainless steel heater barrel. The unions can come lose during
shipping, and may need to be tightened. Do not over tighten
the unions. If a union leaks after being hand tightened close
the knife valves to stop the flow of water. Loosen the union
that is leaking and inspect the O-ring for a possible crimp.
Reinstall the O-ring and retighten the union.
3. To fill your spa, remove the wier basket, remove the filter
and place garden hose directly in the filter canister. The spa
holds 360 gallons (1620 litres) of water. You will notice that
there is an indented wave in the spa. This is the water line. It
is important that you maintain your water at this level.
NOTE: Wier basket can only be removed when the spa is not run-