5-24 Chapter 5: BIOS setup
VGA Palette Snoop [Disabled]
Enables or disables VGA pallette registers snooping.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
PERR# Generation [Disabled]
Enables or disables PCI device to generate PERR#.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
SERR# Generation [Disabled]
Enables or disables PCI device to generate SERR#.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
PCI Express Settings
Enables or DisablesPCI
Express Device Relaxed
PCI Express Device Register Settings
Relaxed Ordering [Disabled]
Extended Tag [Disabled]
No Snoop [Enabled]
Maximum Payload [Auto]
Maximum Read Request [Auto]
PCI Express Link Register Settings
ASPM Support [Disabled]
WARNING: Enabling ASPM may cause some
PCI-E device to fail
Extended Synch [Disabled]
Link Training Retry 8
Link Training Timeout (US) 250
Unpopulated Links [Keep Link ON]
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select Item
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Relaxed Ordering [Disabled]
Enables or disables PCI Express device relaxed ordering.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Extended Tag [Disabled]
If Enable allows device is use 8-bit tag eld as a requester.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
No Snoop [Enabled]
Enables or disables PCI Express device No snoop option.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]