
CL1008 / CL1016 User Manual
Hotkey Beeper Control
The beeper can be hotkey toggled on and off (see ACTIVATE BEEPER,
page 29). To toggle the beeper, key in the following hotkey combination:
1. Invoke Hotkey mode (see page 35).
2. Press [B]
After you press B, the beeper toggles on or off. The command line displays
Beeper On or Beeper Off for one second; then the message disappears and you
automatically exit Hotkey mode.
Hotkey Summary Table
[Num Lock] + [-] [Port ID] [Enter] Switches the KVM focus to the computer that
corresponds to that port ID
[T] [n] [Enter] Sets the Auto Scan interval to n seconds – where
n is a number from 1–255.
[A] Invokes Auto Scan mode.
When Auto Scan mode is in effect, [P] or left
click pauses auto scanning.
When auto scanning is paused, pressing P or
left clicking again resumes auto scanning.
Note: Pressing almost any of the typewriter keys
(letters, numbers, Enter, Esc, Spacebar, etc.), will
resume scanning.
[←] Skips from the current port to the first accessible
port previous to it. (See SCAN/SKIP MODE, p. 27,
for information regarding accessible ports.)
[→] Skips from the current port to the next accessible
[↑] Skips from the current port to the last accessible
port of the previous station. If you are at a port on
the first station you cycle backward to the last
accessible port on the last station.
[↓] Skips from the current port to the first accessible
port of the next station. If you are at a port on the
last station you cycle forward to the first accessible
port on the first station.
[B] Toggles the beeper on or off.
cl1008-1016.book Page 40 Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:24 PM