Chapter 2. Hardware Setup
KM0532 and KM0932 switches support a 3 level cascade for KM0532 /
KM0932 units. They support a 1 level cascade for other compatible model
KVM switches (see Supported KVM Switches, page 129). In other words, slave
switches cannot be cascaded from non-KM0532 / KM0932 switches.
The UIs of GUI-compatible cascaded switches are integrated into the KM0532
/ KM0932’s GUI, so that when the first level consoles bring up the UI, the port
directory listing for all of the computers connected to all of the cascaded
switches is displayed in the Sidebar tree (see page 35).
Note: 1. For non GUI-compatible cascaded switches, only the switch appears
in the Sidebar tree. Each switch provides its own GUI for switching
to its ports after you access it.
2. A list of supported KVM switches – indicating their GUI
compatibility status – is provided in the Appendix on page 129.
In cascaded installations, the number of bus connections between a parent and
child KVM switch determines the number of users that can simultaneously
access the KVM ports of the child switch. A bus connection is established by
connecting a KVM port on the parent switch to a Console port on the child
switch. The KM0532 / KM0932 supports a maximum of 5 (KM0532) or 9
(KM0932) bus connections for each cascaded KM0532 / KM0932, and usually
no more than one for other KVM switches.
In order for all the KVM consoles on the first level KM0532 or KM0932 to be
able to access the KVM ports of a cascaded KM0532 / KM0932 at the same
time, you must create the maximum number of bus connections between the
first level parent switch and the child switch. If the two switches are not
directly connected, the intermediary switch(es) must have the maximum
number of bus connections to the parent and child switches.
KVM consoles connected to the KVM ports of a cascaded KVM switch can
access KVM ports on their cascade level as well as ports on cascaded child
switches. They cannot access KVM ports of switches above their cascade level.