
Chapter 5.
Safe Shutdown and Reboot
The PN9108U’s Safe Shutdown and Reboot functions are available for
systems running Windows. Safe shutdown and reboot lets you safely close a
system down and reboot it without involving the danger to the file systems
that simply killing the power supply does. In order to use this function:
M You must connect a Safe Shutdown Cable from the PN9108U to the
computer (see Single Stage Installation, p. 12).
M You must enable either Modem Ring Resume or System after AC back (but
not both) in the computer BIOS’ Power Management settings.
Note: 1. The settings you select in the BIOS must match the settings you
made in the Outlet Configuration dialog box (see p. 27).
2. If you choose Modem Ring Resume: 1) your system BIOS must
support this function; and 2) check your computer manual to be
sure the system supports the COM port External Modem Wakeup
function, since some BIOS versions only support this function with
an internal PCI card modem.
If your BIOS doesn’t support the COM port External Modem Wakeup
function, you may wish to install an internal PCI card modem in order
to use this function.
3. The wording for the Modem Ring Resume function may vary
somewhat from system to system. For example:
M Wake On LAN / Ring Connector
M Modem Ring On
M Power On By External Modem
In the BIOS settings, choose Enabled.