AT Commands
AT command formats
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.4.0
The ATI11 command may be issued from online command
mode or after the end of a call. After a call, some of the
values are no longer valid. The following table defines each
command result, and indicates if the result is valid only
during the call:
Connection Time (sec) 19.968
Description Definition
Last Connection V.92, V.90, V.34, or V.32,
depending on the type of connection
Initial Transmit
Carrier Rate
Initial upstream rate.
Initial Receive
Carrier Rate
Initial downstream rate.
Final Transmit
Carrier Rate
Current or final upstream rate.
Final Receive
Carrier rate
Current or final downstream rate.
LAPM, MNP, or NONE, depending
on V.42 negotiation.
Data Compression
V.44, V.42bis, MNP5 or NONE.
Estimated Signal/
Noise Level
Signal-to-noise ratio with implied
negative. Higher values indicate
better conditions.
Receive Signal
Power Level
The received signal power which,
although labeled in -dBm, is only a
relative measure for comparing
calls to and from different locations.
This value is valid only during a