
Doorphone/Internal Hotline
Phone/External Hotline Phone (#604)
This telephone option assigns an extension as one of the following applications:
Doorphone. A doorphone is an auxiliary device that usually is installed
near an entrance to screen visitors. When a person presses the button on
the doorphone, a predetermined alert extension or all system extensions are
Internal Hotline Phone. When a person lifts the handset of an internal
hotline phone, a predetermined alert extension or all system extensions are
signaled. The hotline phone should be a standard phone; alert extensions
can be any type of phone.
External Hotline Phone. When a person lifts the handset of an external
hotline phone, a predetermined outside number is dialed automatically. The
hotline phone should be a standard phone.
After you assign one of these applications to an extension, you must set up the
alert extension or store the outside External Hotline Phone number on the top,
leftmost Auto Dial button. See “Changing Settings” on the next page.
Related Features
For an external hotline phone, be sure not to restrict the extension so as to
prevent the number from being dialed. See Outgoing Call Restriction (#401).
Under certain conditions of heavy system usage, the external hotline phone
may be unable to dial immediately the outside phone number. If you do not
hear dial tone or dialing noises when you attempt to use the external hotline
phone, hang up for about 20 seconds and try again.
Use this option for all three phone applications. The system differentiates
the applications by the phone connected to the extension and the number
stored on the Auto Dial button.
You cannot assign a doorphone, internal hotline phone, or external hotline
phone to extensions 10 and 16. You can assign a doorphone, internal
hotline phone, or external hotline phone to extension 15, provided Music On
Hold is not activated.
You can assign these applications on up to 10 extensions (9 if Music On
Hold is activated).
If an alert extension is a system phone, the signal will be a distinctive
ping-pong sound to distinguish it from other calls. If an alert extension is a
standard phone, the phone will receive normal intercom ring.
Doorphones and internal hotline phones can have the same alert extensions.
5-14 Doorphone/lnternal Hotline Phone/External Hotline Phone (#604)