Call Vectoring Applications
11-12 Issue 4 September 1995
■ The insurance agency is also selling spare call center capacity to client
accounts. The account contracts are provided on the basis that only so
many calls to a particular account will be accepted at any given time.
In this example, rolling ASA Routing is used to maintain the rolling ASA objective
of 30 seconds or less for field agent calls. ANI Routing is used to partition calls
based on area code and route the call to the appropriate claims agents. EWT
Routing is used to notify customer service callers of their expected wait time if it
is longer than 60 seconds. VDN Calls Routing is used to regulate the number of
calls to service agency clients.
The following table shows the VDNs and vectors associated with each type of
To clearly demonstrate the features described in this example, the sample
vectors do not include tests for unstaffed or full queues, out of hours
operation and so on.
The following vector could be used to maintain a rolling ASA of 30 seconds for
field agent calls.
Figure 11-6. Example 6: Field Agent Vector
Table 11-2. VDN Table for Insurance/Service Agency
Type of Service VDN Number Vector Number
Field Agents 1001 1
Claims 1002 2
Customer Service 1003 3
Client 1 1004 4
Client 2 1005 5
VDN 1001 -- Field Agent Calls
1. queue-to main split 10 pri h
2. goto step 6 if rolling-asa for split 10 <= 30
3. check-backup split 11 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
4. check-backup split 12 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
5. check-backup split 13 pri h if rolling-asa <= 30
6. announcement 10000
7. wait-time 40 secs hearing music
8. goto step 3 if unconditionally