
DCP Cabling and Administration 9-7
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2. The bearer capability of the AUDIX networking ports should be assigned to their class of service
using Proc 010, Word 4.
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Wd 1 2 3 4 PROC
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
4 * 010
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
* Value of this field differs depending on networking configuration.
3. Assign an extension number for each networking port, four extension numbers for the DCP-only
ports or six if you are converting the RS-232 ports to DCP (use Proc 000, Word 1). Either port 1 (if
you are using only the DCP ports) or port 5 (if you are converting the RS-232 ports) should have a
DID extension if the AUDIX system is to be accessed from a remote AUDIX system through the
public network.
The extension numbers shown are only examples; use the extensions from the BCSDC.
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Wd 1 2-5 7 8 9 PROC
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx0 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx1 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx2 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx3 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx4 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 xxxx5 - cos - 000
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Assign the extensions to hunt to each other (use Proc 000, Word 2). You will administer hunting for
four extensions if only the DCP ports are used, or six extensions if the RS-232 ports have been
converted to DCP. Normally the extensions hunt in a circular pattern unless directed otherwise by
the BCSDC. Hunt sequences are determined by the BCSDC.
This sequence is only an example; use the hunt sequence from the BCSDC.
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Wd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PROC
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
2 xxxx0 xxxx1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
2 xxxx1 xxxx2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
2 xxxx2 xxxx3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
2 xxxx3 xxxx0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
5. For each GPP equipment location, assign the following characteristics (use Proc 051, Word 1).
Unless specified, leave the field dashed or blank.
a. Terminal Type — select one of the following:
— For DCP ports, administer terminal type as AP32 (Field 6 = 10)
— If converting RS-232 ports to DCP, administer terminal type as PDM (Field 6 = 4)
b. Originating Preference = Prime Appearance (Field 10 = 2)
c. Terminating Preference = None (Field 11 = 0)
d. Keyboard Dialing = active (Field 13 = 1)
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