GL-8 Issue 2 April 1996
RMB Remote maintenance board. A multifunctional card that provides features
used by the Technical Support Organization (TSO) to proactively support
adjunct processors.
RS-232C A physical interface standard specified by the EIA. The RS-232C
standard provides for asynchronous data transmissions at speeds of up
to 19.2 kbps over cable distances of up to 50 feet.
screen The display area on the PC monitor or terminal.
script A group of commands combined in a file that runs as a single task.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. The protocol that governs network
management and the monitoring of network devices and their functions.
A protocol based on the TCP/IP environment.
software A set of computer programs that do one or more tasks.
status line The top line of a G3-MA screen that shows the current command
selection of an active form, the feature selected, and the page number.
Also known as the path line.
switch See
The person responsible for administering and managing a machine, a
network, and users.
TCP Transmission control protocol. One of a set of protocols that links
dissimilar computers across many kinds of networks and is commonly
used over Ethernet networks. TCP governs sequenced data packets. See