
BBaacckkuupp BBuuttttoonnss
The Backup windows share similar command buttons,
Main - Tap to display the WiBackup main page.
The Main button is also available in a Restore window.
Scheduled - Tap to set a scheduled backup.
Backup - Tap to perform the backup process.
When your device is running on battery power, you
need at least 30% battery charge to be able to perform
data backup.
Save as - Tap to specify the file name, folder, and loca-
tion of the backup data.
o set a scheduled backup:
Only one scheduled backup can occur at one time. Do
not set scheduled backup of different types on the same
date and time.
1. Tap any of the Backup options on the main window.
2. Tap
3. Select the “Enable scheduled backup” check box.
4. Set the date, time, and frequency for the backup.
5. Set what the device’s power source will be during the
scheduled backup.
AC adapter - The device will be running on external
power. The scheduled backup will not proceed if the
device is not connected to an external power source.
Battery power - The device will be running on
battery power. The scheduled backup will not proceed if
the battery power level is below the set threshold level.
6. Tap
If you are performing a specific file backup, select the
check box opposite the file or folder you want to back up.
3. Tap
SSaavvee aass
to set a file name and location for the
backup file.
Select Storage Card for the location.
4. Tap
The backup status is shown in a progress bar. Once
data backup is completed, a message window appears.
5. Tap