
Replacing the Lock or Key
If an RPSD Lock must be replaced, the service call is classified as the highest priority because
a failed Lock prevents all access to or from the RMATS channel. The RPSD Lock may be
removed from the line and, to maintain access to the RMATS channel, the modem may be
connected directly to the CO line. (This is only if the Force Connect command fails as well.
See Chapter 3 for further information on the Force Connect command.) Please note that without
the Lock, the line is not secure.
AT&T technicians should consider a failed RPSD Lock or Key a Severity 4 trouble.
Customers can replace the unit themselves, if they want, by contacting the National Parts Sales
Center (NPSC). The number for the NPSC is 1 800 ATT-PART.
Replacing the Lock or Key