Set Up Your Email
Set Up Self-Service Corporate Email with Xpress Mail™
A Corporate email account (like Microsoft® Exchange or Lotus Notes) is an account
managed by a company’s IT organization. Xpress Mail can provide wireless access to
your corporate email from your device without support from IT. Go to
xpressmailpe.wireless.att.com to set up self-service corporate email.
Set Up IT-Managed Corporate Email
To set up your IT managed corporate email account, you will need information from your
corporate IT organization. Contact your IT administrator about Microsoft® Direct Push or Good Mobile
Messaging support for the Samsung i907.
Microsoft® Direct Push
Microsoft® Direct Push provides wireless access to your corporate email, contacts, calendar and tasks for
Microsoft® Exchange Server. Contact your IT administrator for set up instructions. Before you use Microsoft®
Direct Push, activate a “PDA Enterprise for Microsoft” data plan on your AT&T account.
Good Mobile Messaging
Visit get.good.com to check availability and support of Good Mobile Messaging for your Samsung i907. You
will need a PIN in order to download and install. If you do not have a PIN, check with your IT administrator.
Before using Good Mobile Messaging, activate a “PDA Enterprise for Good” data plan on your AT&T account.