Delete via points not reached
Via point which you have not reached or which are no longer desirable to you must be
deleted from the via point list so that the navigation system may plan the route to the
next via point or to the final destination. If a not reached via point is not deleted, the
system will continue to try and guide you to this via point.
Via points can be deleted in the address manager or on the “Via points” information
screen, see page 41 or page 49.
The maximum number of stored via points is 25.
The via points are targeted in the order in which they are entered.
For guidance to the via points, the system automatically uses the route planning
criterion for the final destination.
It is possible to enter new via points en route to the final destination at any time.
Once a via point has been reached (“destination reached”), it is deleted from the list
of via points.
If you enter a new destination you will be asked whether you also wish to delete the
via point list. If you answer “No,” the remaining via points will be retained for the new
destination address.
Via points are not stored in the list of last destinations (destination input and viapoint
Via points cannot be stored with “Store address” in the address manager.