NOTE:If the consumer transponder is programmed, the dealer transponder will be erased and rendered
inoperative. When the dealer transponder are programmed, the consumer transponders will be
erased and rendered inoperative. For security reasons, the system will not allow both consumer
and dealer transponders to operate the same system.
NOTE:Before delivery of the vehicle to the consumer, consumer transponders will have to be programmed
to operate the vehicle. The system will accept any consumer transponder, providing the Dealer
Master is used to access the program mode. See Owners Guide for specific information concerning
consumer transponder programming.
Testing The System:
After installation is complete, it is important to test the system for proper operation.
Arming and Inhibit:
1 Separate the programmed transponder from the ignition key and move it out of range from the exciter coil.
2 Turn the ignition switch to the off position, The LED will begin to flash rapidly. This will continue for 15
seconds. After the arming period, the LED will begin to flash slowly indicating the system is armed.
3 With the system armed, attempt to start the vehicle. Depending on the circuits interrupted, the vehicle may
or may not start, but should not continue to run.
Disarming The System:
1 After step 3 above, move the programmed transponder within range of the exciter coil and start the vehicle.
This time, the vehicle should start and run properly.
1 Turn the ignition switch to the on position and, disarm the system with a programmed transponder, or by use
of the override sequence.
2 While the ignition is on, press and hold the push-button override switch until the LED turns on solid.
(Appx. 5 Seconds)
3 To exit the valet mode, with the ignition switch on, press and release the push-button override switch. LED
turns off.
Manual Override:
The IMO-720 utilizes a programmable override for disarming the system in case the transponder is lost, broker,
or otherwise rendered inoperable. The override code programmed from the factory is 11.
NOTE: The valet/override push button switch is used to enter the tenths and units digits, pressing and releasing
this button one time for each digit required.
To Test The Manual Override Function:
1 LED is flashing indicating unit is armed.
2 Turn the ignition switch to the “on” position.
3 Within 10 seconds begin to enter tenths digit of override code. (In this example the code is 11, so press the
Valet/Override push-button one time).
4 Within 10 seconds of entering the last tenths digit, turn ignition “off then on”.
5 Within 10 seconds of the ignition switch turning on, begin to enter units digit of override code. (In this
example the code is 11, so press the Valet/Override push-button one time).
6 Within 5 seconds after the last units digit is entered, turn the ignition switch off, then on and start your
If the manual override code is entered properly, the LED turns off indicating a successful override.
The system is now disarmed and you can start and operate the vehicle. The unit will allow three attempts to
disarm via manual override. If the code is not successfully entered within the three attempts, the manual override
mode is locked for 10 minutes.
Once you’ve completed testing the system, disarm the unit one time with a DLU to be certain coding has been
done properly, and to insure the valet and override modes are inaccessible unless using a Master Transponder..