1. Start the MP3 Player from the Windows Start Menu.
2. Click the "PL" button in the upper right comer to open the Play list
window as below
3. Click the (+) icon to add a track to the list.
Opens the Play
-List Manager
will display its function
Moves file DOWN
in the order
4. Choose the directory that contains your MP3 files, then double click on
the selected file you wish to play.
5. The selected file will now be displayed on the Playlist. You may add
more files by repeating Step #4. Click the Play button ( ~I) to begin
6. To remove files from the Playlist, click the (8) button on the bottom of
You may wish to play one file at a time.
To do so, simply click the "OPEN NEW
FILE" button on the player. You will be
then prompted to select a file from the
directory where your MP3 files are