2. In order to install the PC3220 and the Mobile Connection Manager software, these
minimum system resources are required:
Card slots: Type II PC Card slot (Cardbus)
Disk-Drive: CD-ROM
Memory: 32 MB
Disk Space: 14MB
Processor: Pentium 150MHz or higher
Dial Up Networking: DUN bound to TCP/IP
NOTE - Windows
98: You may need the original Microsoft
98 Installation CD.
NOTE: If you are planning to upgrade your Microsoft operating system, you will need to uninstall
the Mobile Connection Manager first. Once the Mobile Connection Manager is removed, proceed
with the operating system upgrade. After these steps are complete, you will need to reinstall the
Mobile Connection Manager.
Installing the Mobile Connection Manager Software
The Installation CD that was included in the PC3220 kit is equipped with the Mobile Connection
Manager software. This software is required for installation and is essential for optimum
performance of your PC3220.
1. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. The Setup program should launch automatically and a Welcome window will appear.
NOTE: If the Setup program does not launch automatically, select Start>Run and enter
d:\Setup.exe, where d is the designation for the CD-ROM drive.
3. Click Next on the Mobile Connection Manager Setup Welcome Window.
4. Please read the Licensing Agreement carefully and click Yes to agree to the terms.
5. Click Next to install the software in the default folder. You may choose to install a
different folder by clicking the Browse button.
6. If you prefer to have the Mobile Connection Manager launch automatically each time
your notebook PC starts up, ensure the Run Mobile Connection Manager at Start up
checkbox is checked. If you prefer to add the Mobile Connection Manager shortcut to
your desktop, ensure the Desktop Shortcut checkbox is checked. Click Next.
7. Wait for the Setup Status to load 100% and the window will close automatically.
8. Installing the Venturi data compression software is recommended for accelerated
If you choose to install Venturi at this time:
Windows 2000/XP/ME:
Click Yes to install Venturi and proceed to step 9.