to the start (crank) position and will have 0 volts in all other key positions.
Connect one side of the cut wire to terminal #87a of the relay. Connect the other side of the cut wire to
terminal #30 of the relay.
DARK BLUE Wire: Delayed 300mA Pulsed, Channel 2 Output
The Dark Blue wire supplies a 300mA ground pulsed output whenever channel two of the receiver is
accessed. Pressing transmitter Button 2 for three seconds will access Channel 2. This is a low current
output and must be connected to a relay to supply power to the trunk release or the circuit you wish to
control. Connect the Dark Blue wire to terminal # 86 of a VF45F11 P&B relay or equivalent. Connect
terminal # 85 of therelay to a fused +12VDC source. Connect the common, normally open, and normally
closed contacts of the relay to perform the selected function of Channel 2.
2-PIN White Plug w/2 Wires; RED & GREEN
The Red and Green Door Lock/Unlock output wires provide either a momentary pulsed ground (-) or a
momentary pulsed 12VDC (+) output for controlling a vehicle's power door lock/unlock circuit. In order to
accomplish this "dual polarity" output scheme these twowires produce the oppositepolarity at the opposite
time. To better understand this, refer to the table below:
The output of these wires has a maximum switching capability of 300mA. Many vehicles today have
factory door lock relays whichcan beconnected directly tothese outputs,however alwaysconfirm thatthe
factory relays in your particularvehicle donot exceedthe rated300mA outputof theunits doorlock/unlock
circuit. Plug the two pin connector of the door lock/unlock harness into the mating connector shell of the
control module. Determine the door lock circuit of the vehicle you are working on and wire according to
the diagrams shown.
This is a system commonly usedon mostimport vehicle's factorydoor lock/unlock systems,and witha few
domestic vehicles which employ factory "keyless entry" systems. In this application, the Red wire serves
as the "Lock" output, providing a ground pulseduring the arming sequence, and the Green wire serves as
the "Unlock" output, providing a ground pulse during the disarming sequence.
Connect the Red wire to the low current ground factory door "Lock" signal wire leading from the factory
switch to the factory door lock relay. Connect the Green wire to the low current ground factory door
"Unlock" signal wire leading from the factory switch to the factory door unlock relay.
This is a system commonly used on many domestic vehicle's factory door lock/unlock systems, particu-
larly General Motors and Chrysler, although not on all models. (Please see the note regarding "5-Wire
Reverse Polarity Door Lock Systems"). In this application, the Green wire serves as the "Lock" output,
providing a positive pulse during the arming sequence, and the Red wire serves as the "Unlock" output,
providing a positive pulse during the disarming sequence.
Connect the Green wire to the low current positive (+12VDC) factory door "Lock" signal wire leading from
the factory switch to thefactory doorlock relay. Connect the Red wire tothe lowcurrent positive(+12VDC)
factory door "Unlock" signal wire leading from the factory switch to the factory door unlock relay.
In these applications,the AS-9159 Door Lock Interface(or equivalent 30 Amp.automotive type relays) must be
used. Refer tothe Audiovox DoorLock WiringSupplement for properconnection to thesetypes ofcircuits.
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