Customizing 1600 Series IP Telephone Applications and Options
Issue 5 April 2010 113
Web Access Application Parameters:
SUBSCRIBELIST " " (Null) Optional Subscription list for potential pushed
content. List of zero or more fully
qualified URLs, separated by
commas without intervening spaces,
with up to 255 total characters.
TPSLIST " " (Null) Optional List of Trusted Push Servers. List of
zero or more fully qualified domain/
path strings, separated by commas
without intervening spaces, with up
to 255 total characters. For more
information, see the 9600 Series IP
Telephone Application Programmer
Interface (API) Guide (Document
Number 16-601442).
Backup/Restore Parameters
BRURI " " (Null) Mandator
URL used for backup and retrieval of
user data. Specify HTTP server and
directory path to backup file. Do not
specify backup file name. Value:
0-255 ASCII characters. Null is a
valid value and spaces are allowed.
If this value is null or begins with a
character sequence other than http:/
/ or https:// the Backup/Restore
option will not display to the
telephone user.
Backlight Parameters
BAKLIGHTOFF 120 Optional Number of idle minutes after which
the backlight turns off (1-3 ASCII
digits, from 0-999).
Table 17: 1600 Series IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default Value Status Description and Value Range
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