TMA; Reviewed:
SPOC 7/21/2008
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2008 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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5. Create and configure the telephony VLAN where all of the Avaya telephony equipment will
• Assign a VLAN ID for the telephony VLAN.
• Assign a name for the telephony VLAN.
• Assign an IP address for the telephony VLAN.
• Assign ports to the telephony VLAN.
• Assign a QoS priority to the telephony VLAN.
• Note: The commands identified with an “*” below are required when connecting an
Avaya G700 Media Gateway to a ProCurve 5406zl Switch with J8177C Transceiver.
Auto negotiation for the associated port must be set to auto-100. The Avaya G700 Media
Gateway is auto-100 by default and requires no change. The port on the ProCurve 5406zl
Switch (port a21 in this example) is a GigE port and needs to be changed from the default
of auto-1000 to auto-100.
ProCurve Switch 5406zl# configure
ProCurve Switch 5406zl(config)# vlan 10
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-10)#vlan 10 name vlan10
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-10)#ip address
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-10)# untagged a4,a10,a21
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-10)# qos priority 6
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-10)# exit
* ProCurve Switch 5406zl# configure
* ProCurve Switch 5406zl(config)# interface a21
* ProCurve Switch 5406zl(eth-A21)# speed-duplex auto-100
6. Create and configure the voice VLAN that will run between the control room and closets.
• Assign a VLAN ID for the voice VLAN.
• Assign a name for the voice VLAN.
• Assign voice option.
• Assign an IP address for the voice VLAN.
• Set an IP helper address for DHCP.
• Assign ports to the voice VLAN.
ProCurve Switch 5406zl# configure
ProCurve Switch 5406zl(config)# vlan 33
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)#vlan 33 name Voice1
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)# voice
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)#ip address
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)# ip helper-address
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)# tagged a11-a12,trk1
ProCurve Switch 5406zl (vlan-33)# exit