Embedded VoiceMail Installation Page 33
IP Office 4.0 50-601067 Issue 5 (20th December 2006)
Monitoring Embedded VoiceMail
The IP Office Monitor application can be used to observe the operation of Embedded VoiceMail.
1. From the Start menu select Programs > IP Office.
2. Select Monitor.
3. From the File menu, click Select Unit. The Select System to Monitor window opens.
4. Enter the Control Unit IP Address and password. Depending on the IP Office system's configuration, the
password required is either the system password or the separate monitor password if set.
5. Check that the Control Unit Type is set to IP Office.
6. Click OK.
7. The Monitor application attempts to connect with the control unit. If successful, something similar to the
following will appear.
********** SysMonitor v6.0 (11031) **********
********** contact made with at 10:08:25 15/11/2006 **********
********** System ( has been up and running for 1day, 19hrs,
3mins and 7secs(154987775mS) **********
154987776mS PRN: Monitor Started IP= IP 500 4.0(11031) IP500_40
(IP Office: Supports Unicode, System Locale is eng)
154987776mS PRN: LAW=A PRI=0, BRI=4, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=32, MDM=0, WAN=0,
154987778mS LIST2: IFACE(4) "LAN1","LAN2","DialIn","RemoteManager"
155088356mS PRN: LVM Flash A: NextFlashItemScan: Scanning A:\lvmail\ITA\*.*
155088456mS PRN: LVM Flash A: NextFlashItemScan: Finished Scanning
155088462mS PRN: LVM Flash A: NextFlashItemScan: Finished Scanning
155088462mS PRN: LVM Flash A: NextFlashItemScan: END-OF-LIST found
155088462mS PRN: LVM FlashMan: FiveMinuteActions: called 2006/11/15
155088520mS PRN: LVM FlashMan: FiveMinuteActions: Free: 955.9 MBytes ( 92% )
155088520mS PRN: 33 Hours 11 Minutes Approx. Remaining
155088520mS PRN: FMML Size: 27
8. From the Filters menu select Trace Options. The All Settings window opens.
9. The following Embedded VoiceMail events can be selected to be included on the monitor trace:
On the Call tab, select the options that you want to monitor in the Embedded VoiceMail section.
On the System tab, select Print.
The Trace Color selection on the System tab is applied to Embedded VoiceMail events.
10. Click OK.
11. Embedded VoiceMail events are now shown in the Monitor trace when running. These events are all
prefixed LV.