DNM-UNIX Release 4.0 Installation and Getting Started
5 Getting Started
Executing Commands from NMS Maps
December 2001
Page 122
Executing Commands from NMS Maps
Note: UNIX Stand-Alone users execute the DNM GUI script to launch the DNM
interface. The NMSI program does not apply to Stand-Alone systems.
The NMS Integration (NMSI) program allows users to execute various commands from
any of the NMS maps. Most of the commands perform operations on the systems that
display on the selected map.
Users can execute the commands in three ways:
• Select a command from a menu
• Double-click an object on the map
• Select objects from the third mouse button
The sections below explain the commands and the execution options.
Description of Commands
The table below lists the commands that users can execute from any NMS map. The
Description column describes the result of the command.
Based on the result of the command, the NMSI updates the NMS maps, changes the color
of the status, and displays the appropriate NMS and DNM windows.