CRK; Reviewed:
SPOC 10/7/2011
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
hold/resume, transfer, conference, short code, and SpectraLink 8400 Series interactions with
Avaya IP Office, and Avaya SIP, H.323, and digital telephones were verified. The serviceability
testing introduced failure scenarios to see if SpectraLink 8400 Series can recover from failures.
2.2. Test Results
The test objectives were verified. For serviceability testing, SpectraLink 8400 Series operated
properly after recovering from failures such as cable disconnects, and resets of SpectraLink 8400
Series and Avaya IP Office. SpectraLink 8400 Series successfully negotiated the codec that was
used. The features tested worked as expected.
2.3. Support
Technical support on SpectraLink 8400 Series can be obtained through the following:
Phone: (978) 292-5000, and select Option 3.
Web: http://www.polycom.com/support/index.html
3. Reference Configuration
Figure 1 illustrates a sample configuration consisting of an Avaya IP Office and SpectraLink
8400 Series. Avaya Aura® System Manager, Avaya Aura® Session Manager, and Avaya
S8300D with G450 were included in the test to provide an inter-switch test scenario. For
completeness, Avaya 5610 and 1616-I H.323 IP Telephones, Avaya 9600 Series SIP IP
Telephones, Avaya 9600 Series H.323 IP Telephones, and Avaya 6400 and 1416 Series Digital
Telephones, are included in Figure 1 to demonstrate calls between the SIP-based SpectraLink
8400 Series and Avaya SIP, H.323, and digital telephones.