4-112 Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide
Configuring Syslog Event Notifications
You can configure the following Syslog settings from the HTTP interface:
• Enable Syslog: Place a check mark in the box provided to enable
system logging.
• Syslog Port Number: This field is read-only and displays the port
number (514) assigned for system logging.
• Syslog Lowest Priority Logged: The AP will send event messages
to the Syslog server that correspond to the selected priority and
above. For example, if set to 6, the AP will transmit event messages
labeled priority 0 to 6 to the Syslog server(s). This parameter
supports a range between 1 and 7; 6 is the default.
• Syslog Host Table: This table specifies the IP addresses of a
network servers that the AP will send Syslog messages to. Click
Add to create a new entry. Click Edit to change an existing entry.
Each entry contains the following field:
— IP Address: Enter the IP Address for the management host.
— Comment: Enter an optional comment such as the host
— Status: The entry is enabled automatically when saved (so
the Status field is only visible when editing an entry). You can
also disable or delete entries by changing this field’s value.