Configure Multiple SSID/VLAN/Security Mode Entries
4-146 Avaya Wireless AP-4/5/6 User’s Guide
Typical VLAN Management Configurations
Control Access to the AP
Management access to the AP can easily be secured by making
management stations or hosts and the AP itself members of a common
VLAN. Simply configure a non-zero management VLAN ID and enable
VLAN to restrict management of the AP to members of the same VLAN.
If a non-zero management VLAN ID is configured then management
access to the AP is restricted to wired or wireless hosts that are members
of the same VLAN. Ensure your management platform or host is a mem-
ber of the same VLAN before attempting to manage the AP.
1. Click Configure > SSID/VLAN/Security.
2. Set the VLAN Management ID to a value between 0 and 4094 (a
value of 0 disables VLAN management).
3. Place a check mark in the Enable VLAN Protocol box.
Provide Access to a Wireless Host in the Same Workgroup
The VLAN feature can allow wireless clients to manage the AP. If the
VLAN Management ID matches a VLAN User ID, then those wireless
clients who are members of that VLAN will have AP management access.