Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
204 Avaya C460 Reference Guide
show rmon history
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show rmon history command to display the most recent RMON history
log for a given History Index. The history index is defined using the rmon
history command on 76 or using an RMON management tool.
The syntax for this command is:
show rmon history [<History Index>]
show rmon statistics
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show rmon statistics command to show the Received Packet RMON
statistics counters for a certain interface number according to the MIB-2 interface
table numbering scheme.
The syntax for this command is:
show rmon statistics <module/port>
History Index History index defined using rmon history command or
RMON management tool
C460-1> show rmon history 1026
Entry 1026 is active, owned by amir
Monitors ifEntry.1.1026 every 30 seconds
Requested # of time intervals, ie buckets, is 20
Granted # of time intervals, ie buckets, is 20
Sample # 1 began measuring at 2:53:9
Received 62545 octets, 642 packets,
391 broadcast and 145 multicast packets,
0 undersize and 0 oversize packets,
0 fragments and 0 jabbers,
0 CRC alignment errors and 0 collisions,
# of dropped packet events (due to a lack of resources): 0
Network utilization is estimated at 0
module/port Range of ports