GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Hospitality Operations
Issue 1
November 2000
Hospitality Operations
The following is an example of a journal printer report:
These codes are used to define the status events:
■ AWU — Automatic wakeup events
■ EAT — Emergency access to attendant and crisis alert events
■ PMS — PMS events
■ PMS chng stn rstr — Station restrictions changed by the PMS
■ PMS room change — Room status message from PMS
■ PMS link out — The PMS link is out of service
■ PMS prot vio — The PMS sustained a protocol violation.
Buffering Messages During Printer Failure
If the printer goes down (for example, power loss or printer runs out of paper) and
the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) lead goes low, the switch recognizes that the
printer is out of service. When this happens, the switch will buffer Automatic
Wakeup messages destined for the printer until the printer is back in service. On
the smaller systems (csi or si), up to 2400 messages are buffered. On the larger
system (r), up to 15000 messages are buffered.
AWU 11/21/96 10:25 401 REQUEST 10:40 BY Att 1
AWU 11/21/96 10:25 402 REQUEST 10:40 BY Att 1
EAT 11/21/96 10:26 7400 attd crisis alert ars alrt call type
EAT 11/21/96 10:26 7401 0 failed - originator abandoned call off-hook
AWU 11/21/96 10:26 401 CHANGE 10:45 BY Att 1
PMS 11/21/96 10:26 368 FROM ROOM: CODE 1 PMS link out of service 0
PMS 11/21/96 10:26 368 FROM ROOM: CODE 2 PMS link out of service 0
PMS 11/21/96 10:26 3540 FROM ROOM: CODE 1 PMS link out of service 0
EAT 11/21/96 10:27 7401 Att 1 successful call off-hook alert
PMS 11/21/96 10:26 401 FROM STATION: CODE 1 PMS link out of service 0
AWU 11/21/96 10:40 402 NO ANSWER 1
AWU 11/21/96 10:44 401 BUSY 1
AWU 11/21/96 10:45 402 NO ANSWER 2
AWU 11/21/96 10:48 410 CANCEL 02:00 BY PMS